Add Shelfs & Submit Design

The first window, ones you reach Step 3, is the “Choose an option” pop-out window  from where you can select your desired custom style or the available predefined styles. You can return to  “Choose an option” window by clicking the top left button “Other Styles” to switch to other styles.


The last stage contains all the necessary tools to finish, save and even send orders with your room items online.

From top left screen you will find “Other Styles”, this button will switch you between your prefered furnitures/cabinets or/and appliances from the “Custom Style” or trying already the “Predefined Styles”.


Filters (order by), search and rollout through all type of units from the second top left  button “Show/Hide Filters”. You can easily add units, check description, prices, delete, translate and rotate them.

In low center page “Show All Units” from the planner’s viewport allows you to filter wall units and ground units for a more friendly 2D visualization. On low left screen you can switch from 2D view to 3D Isometric view, here you can rotate in 4 angles, zoom in and zoom out. You can “Login” to your account to load saved kitchens (from any stage) or “Create an account” to save and send orders.